There are two ways to access the Curate Content section:
1. Navigate to Dashboard → Select your feed → Feed Options → Curate Content
2. If you are already on the Manage Feed page, you can select the Curate Content tab
Here, you can see all the content available under your feed. You can manually decide to decline specific stories, ensuring they won't be displayed on your screens.
For Collaboration and Social Media Feeds curation of content will depend on the Curation option you chose when creating the feed:
- Auto-approve
Automated Profanity filter
It's possible to activate the built-in Profanity filter. It's activated by default for English, but you can manually activate it for a wide array of other languages: Russian, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Japanese, Hindi, Thai, and Turkish.
1. Navigate to Dashboard → Select your feed → Feed Options → Feed Settings
2. Scroll down to "Profanity Filter" and select your preferred language(s).
Time filter
A time filter allows you to filter out older posts based on your selected time frame. You can choose from 1 Day, 3 Days, 1 Week, 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks, 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months, or 1 Year. A time filter helps you keep the content on your screen up-to-date without manually removing older content.
We recommend that you choose a time filter that matches the posting frequency of your organization on Social Media or Collaboration apps.
When creating your Social Media / Collaboration feed, you can set up a time filter.
Or edit an existing filter. Navigate to Dashboard → Select your feed → Feed Options → Feed Settings → Hide posts older than.
Custom Word filter
You can create a custom word filter to keep posts that contain specific words from appearing on your screens. Most Seenspire users use this feature to skip posts about sensitive (political) topics or to remove unpleasant language that our profanity filter cannot identify. You have the option to create a custom word filter on a feed level or an account level.
Adding a custom word filter on an account level.
1. Navigate to Account Name in the upper right-hand corner → Global Settings.
2. Add your custom word filter.

The custom word filter under Global Settings applies to all existing feeds in your Seenspire account, and any feeds you create or select in the future.
Adding a custom word filter for a specific feed
1. Navigate to Dashboard → Select your feed → Feed Options → Feed Settings
2. Scroll down to "Custom word filter" and add the words you want to block.

The custom word filter created under a feed applies only to that specific feed.
Accounts filter
We also offer the ability to block specific accounts for Social Media and Collaboration feeds. You can enter the name of the account in the Accounts Filter section. This way, none of their posts will show up in your feed. You have the option to create an "Accounts filter" on a feed level or an account level.